About Us


Making the World a Better Place For All of Us

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about us almussaddiqati 2
about us almussaddiqati 1

Our Story

And they (righteous people) give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive, (saying), “We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We wish not from you reward or gratitude”. (Al-Quran 76: 8-9)

Al Mussaddiqati women’s welfare organisation – a Mumbai based women’s organisation set up by Muslim women passionate for social welfare and humanitarian services.

It all started with some like minded ladies, studying islam, coming together for a cause – serving the society and thereby practicing the real Islamic values on field.

In Al Mussaddiqati, women amidst their daily works come together for the cause of social welfare.

Our Mission & Vission

Mission – Our mission is to feed the poor, help the needy and distressed, and thereby serve the society.

Vision – To serve the society by our various drives like feeding the poor, cloth distribution, counselling children at juvenile jail, and many other.

Activities we do

  1. Breakfast for patients at Hospitals
  2. Monthly Ration Supplies for the Poor
  3. Dress Bank – Clothing for the needy
  4. Water Coolers – Filtered water coolers across Mumbai

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